Thursday, November 10, 2016

Bernie Sanders "Political R(evolution)" Rolls On

Not only did the failed Democratic nominee, people in her campaign, and key players within the Democratic National Committee bamboozle Senator Sanders; they also had the arrogance and lack of vision to believe that Clinton could win the presidency without him. Let's not forget that she had Barack Obama, the majority of the media, SNL and Jay-Z; yet she still lost.

All Clinton needed was the person who's voice echoed those of John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln, the man who appealed to the voters who decided the 2016 election. That man was Bernie Sanders and those voters were the "working class"/white vote he would have delivered to her and taken away from Donald Trump. The venerable Vermont Senator carried strength in key swing states with the same voters that helped Donald Trump become the president. How could Clinton ignore Sanders; the man who out-momentumed her from the day Americans understood his message and what he was fighting for, which turns out was them. Sanders and his "revolutionists" would have fortified Clinton's "firewall" in Pennsylvania and Michigan at the very least. Now the only wall left to fortify is the wall. 

If Clinton would have taken Sanders seriously and thrown him a bone, she would be smiling ear-to-ear at this very moment; nestled in a nice blanket in the comfort of her Chappaqua, New York home; surrounded by friends and family, sipping Syval Blanc wine; the one her friend Phyllis Feder created in honor of Hillarys 2016 presidential run – ironically the bottle is called Victory White, true story. Feder explains the inspiration for the wine in the YouTube video below, saying, Great wines are associated with history and legacy... Well my dear Phyllis, the legacy is history, but Im sure the wine is nice.

Donald Trump on the other hand (regardless of the size), will be celebrating this victory forever, and we're going to be hearing about it, forever. As for tonight, maybe Trumps butlers are currently shaking up a martini with his failed Trump Vodka, and the cook is defrosting the last of the Trump Steaks for him and the future First Lady, Melania Trump, while they wear their gold-reflecting goggles - sounds classy. 

It's a shame that the DNC thought they could get away with killing Bernie's chances, as well as trotting their steroid-using cheater of a horse onto the racetrack in the hopes that no one would catch on; only for the world to watch Clinton trip over her own feet and crash before the finish line; losing everything in the process: the House, the Senate, and of course, the presidency. 

Six-months ago I wrote about Trump defeating Clinton in an article for InquisitrNews, unfortunately I was right,

My projection has businessman Trump becoming President Trump, and here’s how I see it playing out: Trump holds her feet to the fire like no one has ever done to her before (nothing suggests he won't) ... Trump will convince enough voters to believe that he is more centrist than right wing, perhaps even more left of Clinton on game-changing issues. The beauty of his candidacy is that he can basically do or say anything and not come off as a pandering flip-flopper to the degree that Hillary would due to her political past. Her 10-point margin will vanish and the ghosts of Clinton’s past will come back to haunt her.”

So whats next?

Whats next is the evolution of Bernie Sanders “political revolution. Bernie Sanders and organizations that support his movement such as FeelTheBern.Orgneed to sustain his progressive message and continue to evolve one day at a time, one month at a time, and one year at time; until the US electorate gets the opportunity to truly make America great again in 2020 - a slogan that's sure to be used against President Trump along the campaign trail at that time.

It's up to Sanders supporters and supporters of forward-thinking, human rights, the environment, education, decent living conditions and much more, to grow the grassroots "political revolution" that Sanders started and carry it into the 2020 election. In the meantime (no pun intended), get inspired by the issues that matter most to one of the finest progressive minds in the world by following the links below.

Which issues are most important to you, which are not, and why? Here is a list of issues progressive leader Bernie Sanders is championing:

For up to date information on the evolution of Bernies political revolution, visit Our Revolution.

For now, President-elect Trump needs all the help he can get if he intends on taking the country in the right direction, or as Bernie Sanders so eloquently put it per the LA Times,

"To the degree that Mr. Trump is serious about pursuing policies that improve the lives of working families in this country, I and other progressives are prepared to work with him ... to the degree that he pursues racist, sexist, xenophobic and anti-environment policies, we will vigorously oppose him."

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump Are A Joke

Photo by: Branco Legal Insurrection

The 2016 US election has been a global embarrassment perpetrated by the media's fuelling of Trump and Clinton's incendiary behavior and scandal.

There isn’t enough sugar in the world to coat Hillary Clinton to the point where she is palatable as a candidate for the presidency; yet the mixture of President Obama’s pixie dust and female voters coming out in droves looks to be enough to overcome the recent surge by Republican nominee Donald J. Trump. 

Mr. Trump is gaining on the former Secretary of State due to her emails appearing on fallen star Anthony Wiener’s laptop. In spite of that, it doesn’t seem like any Wiener is going to get between Clinton and the White House. Speaking of Donald Trump, the man who looks and sounds like the Hindenburg on its final decent: bloated, orange and loud; if elected, Americans fear they will also share the same fate as the doomed German airship; which also works as a metaphor for American imperialism; there are times when something can be too big to fail, conversely, there is also a point when something can be too big to succeed.
On a lighter note, Bernie Sanders supporters must feel smarter and more attractive with every passing day for having the foresight to put their trust in a trustworthy politician – a truly novel idea that has no place in the garbage fire that is the 2016 US election; who’s flames are fuelled daily by bloodthirsty members of the American news media devoid of the savvy it takes to make facts interesting enough to attract eyeballs. 

For those who said Sanders could be the country’s last chance at electing a person of honor and principle, one who’s policies and practice works for all Americans ("not just the one percent"), pat yourself on the back and get ready to have your doubts proven and possibly exceeded, because Clinton/Trump are about to charge a serious amount of blood and money to the American credit card and your tax dollars are going to pay for it – not the Mexicans, thankfully

Lest we forget, Bernie Sanders was the one who spoke about scaling down the military, not to put us in danger, but to keep us safe in the long run by changing the doomed trajectory of imperialism, and perhaps restructuring where taxpayer money goes to; seeing how over a third of the taxes Americans pay go to military defense, and roughly a twentieth go to education, science, and energy and environment, combined. Instead, Trump gives us a potential president who flirts with the idea of instigating a war with “G’ina!” while Clinton looks to be charming the US into another war, this time with a much more powerful adversary in Vladimir Putin – my question is: who's going to pay for all this, and why? Also, was the 30-billion dollar weapon deal between the US and Saudi Arabia only an appetizer? What's next? And what has Saudi Arabia done since 9/11 to earn our trust?
They say hindsight is 20/20, let’s just hope we can get to 2020 with as little regret as possible; in the hopes that we can elect a president who can lead the world away from the imperialistic influence of the US, by influence I’m not referring to fashion and football. Of course that also means that countries like Russia and China, as well as all countries need to trend in the same direction; away from imperialism and more towards nationalism. If history is any indicator of the future, imperialism is doomed, so why strive for something that is only sustained through war? Then again, maybe we’re doing it wrong.
Hillary Clinton seems to be more interested in imperialism, but both Trump and Clinton are quite removed from realism, which motivates my pessimism. 

Julian Assange recently exposed some of Hillary Clinton's elaborate "pay for play" activities. The most damning was the proof that Clinton knew the governments of Saudi Arabia and Qatar were directly funding ISIS, yet she still accepted direct payments from them, while also allowing multi-billion dollar weapon deals to go through during her tenure as Secretary of State. 

Global strategies aside, when we talk about ISIS, we’re not talking about an assault-rifle-toting militia group in Togo extorting a couple of towns for their women and resources; we’re talking about one of the most barbaric and brutal forces in mankind's history. Yet still, there is this notion that Clinton can't be blamed for any problems in the Middle East because it's all George W. Bush's fault; all she's doing is "cleaning up the mess" - cleaning, or continuing? Her method seems very Bushian (though he definitely didn't invent the concept), sell weapons to one party that will distribute them to the party that you will end up sending your soldiers to fight, and distribute the spoils accordingly. Is the alternative engaging in war with the initial party? Difficult decisions made difficult by decision-makers. 

Assange on Clinton,
"Hillary Clinton is just a person, I actually feel quite sorry for Clinton as a person, because I see someone who is eaten alive by there ambitions, tormented ... but she represents a whole network of people ... she's a centralizing cog..." Assange goes on to talk about the interconnected network she centers as well as her implication in the Libyan war, calling it "Hillary's war". The soon-to-be award-winning interview is attached within this blog courtesy of YouTube and RT News
With only a few days remaining in this election, it's (un)safe to say that we are past "the lesser of two evils" rationale, we've graduated to vote for the devil you know, in Clinton, rather than the devil you don’t, in Trump - next would be voting for the actual devil, thus simplifying the choice. 
My critics ask me, “would you rather vote for Green Party candidate Jill Stein?” Jill Stein? I’d vote Franken-stein if he were on the ballot. And that’s not a quip against Gary Johnson's physical attributes, I mean the actual Frankenstein. I know Frankenstein is a fictional character, but Clinton and Trump aren't too far off. To answer the question, yes, I would vote for Jill Stein, no, I don't view it as a "protest vote", I view it as a vote; a vote for the candidate who's policies are trending in the right direction, simple as that. 

Make no mistake about it, this election is a tragedy on the American people and the rest of the world. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are a global embarrassment. Citizens of the world need to do more to shape our politicians before our politicians b(end) the world so out of shape that it won’t be able to repair itself. If money never sleeps, neither do the greedy ones who will do whatever it takes for power and control. The silver lining for all of us throughout the course of the US election en generale, is that we are all a little more "awake" because of it - at least that's what I'd like to believe